Our July 13th Consortium Meeting on featured our annual discussion of race and homelessness, this time focusing on the Latinx and American Indian Alaskan Native Communities. We were fortunate to have two LAHSA Commissioners address issues impacting homelessness in the Latinx Community as well the County Homeless Initiative’s consultant on Native Homelessness. If you missed it, here is the recording of the meeting. (For recordings of previous consortium meetings, see here.)
LAHSA Commissioners Irene Muro and Dr. Melissa Chinchilla shared a presentation on Homelessness in the Latinx Community. Here are their slides.
Crystal Coyoza is the County Homeless Initiative’s consultant on homelessness in the American Indian Native Alaska Community. Here are her slides.
More News and Information:
- The East San Gabriel Coalition for the Homeless has a new home. Here is information on their new location
- Catholic Charities is announcing MEDI-CAL expansion for undocumented youth up to age 26. See their flyer for more information
- If you are a leader of a faith-based organization, please complete the County Homeless Initiative survey, which you can find here in English and here in Spanish.
- Please join us for our next meeting, Wednesday, August 10th at 9am. Stay tuned for more information!